32. How many rooms and how many square feet is it? The house has one 12' x 18' room and a detached kitchen which is 10' x 10'. 33. Do you own any other property outside of your dwelling? No. Family Education & Well-Being 34. Are your family members literate, and if so, which ones? Vicente reads and writes. 35. How many hours per day and what months do the children attend school? Describe the school environment. The children attend school from September through June for 5 hours/day. It is about 1 kilometer into the town center. 36. What type of health care do you receive? None. 37. What form of birth control do you use? None. 38. Does your family feel safe? No. 39. Do you lock your door at night? Yes. 40. Have you ever been robbed? No. 41. Do you do anything to protect yourselves? We lock our doors.. Family Leisure 42. Describe what you do during your leisure time. Vicente occasionally reads the paper and goes to the market.